Saturday, 24 January 2015

अम्ब त्वं विद्येश्वरी

- सुरेन्द्र नाथ राय

अम्ब त्वं विद्येश्वरी देया हि विद्यातस्त्वया
शारदे विद्याप्रभे देया हि विद्यातस्त्वया  ।
शाश्वतः किं स्याच्च मे ज्ञानक्षयो वै संसृता-
वानतिस्ते संतता देया हि विद्यातस्त्वया ।।1।।

O mother, you are the goddess of learning. Therefore give me the knowledge. O autumnal goddess, splendid with knowledge, the same should be given to me. Why should be there loss of my knowledge in the creation? Continuously I bow to you. Therefore you have to give me the knowledge.  (1)

                                   अम्बिके कुन्देन्दुभे यच्छेः सुबुद्धीर्भासिताः
                                   साम्प्रतं याचे हि ता देया हि विद्यातस्त्वया  ।
                                   दन्तपङ्क्ती राजते ते भास्वती स्तेतीरिते
                                   धन्यता मे विस्तृता देया हि विद्यातस्त्वया ।।2।।  

O mother, you look white like a jasmine and the moon. Therefore, give me a good and brilliant wisdom. Now I beg to you to provide the same. The shining row of your teeth looks beautiful and my blessedness is expanded when you pronounce “STA”.  Therefore you have to give me the knowledge.  (2)

वेदशास्त्राङ्गानि ते भान्ति प्रसीदन्तीरणात्
सात्विके श्वेताम्बुजे देया हि विद्यातस्त्वया  ।
नौमि नित्यं बुद्धिदां जा़ड्यान्धकारं हारितुं  
वेधसो वन्द्ये शुभे देया हि विद्यातस्त्वया  ।।3।।

The Vedas and other scriptures are the limbs of your body which proceed with inspiration. O goddess, you are related with sentient force and lily.   Therefore you have to give me the knowledge. I always bow to you with pray to remove the darkness of my ignorance. You are benevolent and being praised by the Creator.  Therefore you have to give me the knowledge.  (3)

निर्गता गङ्गा यतो भूध्रेशमस्तप्रस्रवात्
मंजुला मेधाभवा देया हि विद्यातस्त्वया  ।
                                  रंहसा देव्या  दिवो व्याप्ता त्वदीयेनैव भू-
र्वञ्चितः किं सेवको देया हि विद्यातस्त्वया  ।।4।।

As the Ganges springs from the head of the Himalayas, in the same way you are a lovely source of the intellect. It is you the goddess of heaven who is extending over the earth. Why would this devotee be deprived of your coverage?  Therefore you have to give me the knowledge. (4)

पूजनीये त्वां स्तुवे कारुण्यवारामाकरं
चञ्चले मे मानसे देया हि विद्यातसत्वया  ।
कुड्मलाभो ह्य़ञ्जली रागानुगोयं भीतिमान्
याचते स्वां मातरं देया हि विद्यातसत्वया  ।।5।।

O goddess, able to be worshiped, I praise you, the ocean of kindness. So you have to give the knowledge to my unsteady mind. This cavity of my joined and open hands together appears like a bud due to being frightened as well as affectionate to you begging something to its mother. Therefore you have to give me the knowledge.   (5)

छन्द - रोहिणी,    लक्षण-  रादिरान्त्म्यैर्मिता सूर्याश्वछिन्ना रोहिणी।          (स्वकृत)